Village Veterinary Clinic
Soft Tissue Surgery
We perform soft tissue on a daily basis for a variety of conditions including: castration (neutering), ovariohysterectomy (spay), and lump removal.

More invasive surgery can be performed case by case. Examples of these types of surgeries include enucleations, cystotomy, foreign body, and amputation. Your pet remains at our clinic for all pre and post surgical care. All procedures are performed with comprehensive pain management to ensure a more gentle experience for your pet. Patient anesthesia is monitored closely by our registered veterinary technician throughout induction, surgery, and recovery. We take the safety of your pet under anesthesia very seriously. Each patient undergoing anesthesia will have pre-anesthetic bloodwork which helps us assess health status and mitigate risks associated with general anesthetics. With this, we can create a specific drug protocol tailored individually based on their species, age, breed, and health status.